Vision & Mission
Our Vision
To be an all-time reference in the implementation of the corporate governance best practices to our clients, contributing to an economical growth in Portugal.
Our Mission
To process and interpret business information so as to make
possible that our clients will always make the right
decisions along their adapting process to the changes that
happen in the competition environment that we live in.
The “Knowledge Age” and the globalization
in which we live in, are being reflected in all businesses,
leading to new organizational formats, to an increasing need
of agility on decision-making, in order to have a more
effective competition towards clients and consumers, that
are increasingly aware and demanding.
It’s to face these new organizational formats that the
outsourcing service is increasingly more assumed in all
economical sectors. The transfer of crucial functions of the
business (core activities) to external entities that are in
better (competitive) conditions to do it, allows to reach a
higher efficiency and a consequent reduction of costs,
taking advantage of the know-how and concentration of the
management in the business core.
This is the context in which Gesbanha works, providing daily
support to its clients in the decision-making process,
managing to maintain the highest level of integration
between the systems of Front Office and CRM and its systems
of Back Office ensuring, thus, the relevance, opportunity
and reliability of all the information on business follow-up
according both with high ethic standards and the best
corporate governance practices.